Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I have a little secret...

I can make boeuf bourguinon for six, whip up an eight-layer cake with a thick, rich buttercream, slow cook the perfect pulled pork or even a steaming pot of chicken noodle soup when you're sick, but for some reason the simplest of recipes throws me for a loop.

All I can think about lately is sinking my teeth into a sticky, gooey, sugar-laden rice crispy treat. Not a dried out one that's been sitting on a bakery counter for days with sharp corners and a crisp edge of sawed-off rice cereal. No, no no. An almost-too-warm one that comes out of the pan like a blob of cooled oatmeal and oozes out of your fingers quicker than you can eat it. Yum. I can still feel the rice crispies crackling on my tongue.

Anyway, my obsession was realized this evening. A much needed study break turned into a trip to the grocery store, which quickly morphed into cooking dinner (salmon with roasted potatoes and broccoli - I had to pretend I had healthy intentions)...and rice crispy treats.

I started by following the directions on the back of the marshmallow bag:

"In a microwave safe bowl, melt 1/2 stick of butter."

Easy enough. I chose a glass bowl and dropped a cold cube of butter into it and stuck it in the microwave. FIRE! Yep, caught the microwave on fire. So, I tried sticking the bowl in the hot oven with the roasting potatoes. I would have been there for days waiting for the marshmallows to melt. So, I just dumped the whole mass of half melted marshmallows and melted butter into a pot and heated it on the stove old school-like.

"Pour 8.5 cups of rice cereal into a bowl"

Great. The bowl was big enough to hold about five cups of cereal with nothing else in it...so three bowls, two pots, a damaged microwave and a everything-glued-to-the-pan-because-I-didn't-remember-to-grease-it dirty pan later, I had myself a warm, sticky, gooey, sugar-laden rice crispy treat.

It dawned on me as I was twirling the hot mess in bowl number three that I had never made rice crispy treats before. I didn't really grow up in an American household with chocolate chip cookies and those sweet potatoes with mini-marshmallows baked on top. We ate complicated Armenian food like cheese borek (kinda like spanicopita) and braided bread for holidays. So there you go; a little secret to share around about me. I'm really bad at making rice crispy treats (but they taste good).

And my chocolate chip cookies aren't that great either.

Don't even ask me to make a box of jello

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